I'm THAT girl who drags everyone out to drive around and look at lights!
I love to go to the mall and listen to the Christmas music and enjoy the hustle and bustle!
I take Oscar to sit on Santa's lap!
I make cookies!
I wrap gifts with big, gorgeous bows!
I send beautiful, handmade Christmas cards (Usually postmarked by the first week of December!)
I wear Christmas scrubs!
I put THREE trees up last year! Including one just for my Dachshund!
I just can't get into it this year. I'm not sure if its because this is my first year alone? Alone as in, not with Kurt...I have my family around, which I am SO THANKFUL for....but being alone in a relationship sense is kinda a bummer around the holidays.
I'm also BROKE as a joke. I can't do or buy the things I want, and I REALLY have to watch what I am spending. I usually go CRAZY on Aron and Jason (and now Jackson) but I just can't this year. I know that they won't know, and they love their Em-way just the same...but it breaks me inside a little.
How is YOUR holiday season going? Are you Buddy the Elf this year? Or Mr. Scrooge?

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