Easter is next week! That's just insane!
When I was little I used to LOVE Easter! My grandparents live on 500 acres of Easter Egg hunting goodness! AND their eggs were filled with quarters, ladies and gentleman...none of this candy crap that people give out these days! Wonder if I could convince my Daddad to put out some quarter eggs this year?!?
Easter used to also mean that it was almost my birthday! Being an early May baby, that was usually the case! Well not this year! With Easter being on March 30...I still have a ways to go!!
I've been busy making some special Easter baskets for my special boys. Oscar Man, naturally. Aron, Jason, and Jax...and Chris. He may be an adult, but you are never too big for the Easter bunny to bring you goodies =)
Wanna see what I've been up to?
Oscar already got his "Basket..." The Outward Hound Kyjen sling. I had planned on opening it up and filling it with his treats, but Chris and I took him to the Dulles Pet Expo last weekend and didn't want to walk him on a leash because there would be a lot of other dogs there, so I had to bust into it early.

And here he is in it:
He will be getting a couple of new rawhides, too =)
As for Aron, Jason and Jax....
A good friend of mine's daughter has started her own business sewing different things for around the house. All natural and eco friendly...my favorite. She is an awesome mom, a tattooed mom, a military wife...all my favorite. So I HAD to support her!
When she posted about these little beauties for sale, I just had to get one for each boy. They are amazingly constructed, super cute, and she made them in fabrics to match each boys room! Camo for Aron, Pirates for Jason, and Motorcycles for Jax!!
Awesome Easter Bunnies from One-Eyed Jack Cloth! Check her out on etsy!

And Chris...well yeah right, I'm not going to post anything about his! That would ruin the surprise. I CAN tell you that it will be a funny mix of manly things, kid things, and delicious things!
What do you want in YOUR Easter basket?